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TRA 2012 in Athens - interactIVe partners hold Special Session on April 26th

�Working on Active Safety Systems: The euroFOT and interavtIVe projects� � under this title the research projects euroFOT and interactIVe will present research on new safety applications and methods for testing them.

interactIVe speakers will focus on perception of the ego-vehicle, Information, Warning and Intervention strategies and active intervention.

interactIVe speakers:

These are the contributions from the euroFOT project:

  • Dr. Samantha Jamson, Methodological challenges and solutions in euroFOT, Institute for Transport Studies University of Leeds
  • Jonas B�rgmann, FOT data management: experience from euroFOT , Department of Applied Mechanics, division of Vehicle Safety, Chalmers University of Technology
  • Dr. Angelos Amditis, FOT data management: experience from euroFOT, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
  • Mohamed Benmimoun, Impact assessment of Advacanced Driver Assistance Systems within the euroFOT project- First results, RWTH Aachen f�r Institut f�r Kraftfahrzeuge Aachen.

Please find here further information about the TRA 2012.

Co-funded and supported
by the European Commission
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